The Inner Feminine

This is a common topic in discussion nowadays, and has been for many years. For example :

“The masculine and feminine aspect of the creative process unfolding within our being is experienced as an inner masculine and inner feminine. They can be discerned as almost separate entities within our being yet they are integrally connected. As such they can often be experienced as a inner masculine force or entity that thrusts deep from within our being, or an inner feminine entity or presence which provides a very deep nurturing or as their offspring which is neither masculine or feminine but as an energy and/or awareness to act. The inner masculine and inner feminine can ever take on personalities in extreme cases. ”

A common theme here is that one must have both masculine and feminine aspects in balance within one self.

Masculine and Feminine represent the two balancing forces in the Universe. Im sure most people are familiar with this view.

I have some questions though.

Why must the caring side of a male be represented as feminine? Why not just the caring aspect of male?

Why do i even have any issue with this view?

Well, i do because i have seen examples of people taking this very literally, and seeing themselves as both a woman and a male. Do not misunderstand me. I am quite aware that a large percentage of the worlds population has differing sexual orientations. That is not the issue here. For me, the issue i am raising is the tendency, particularly common within some spiritual groups, to believe things like “I was a female in my previous life, i’m a male now, and one day i’ll be a female again”

What im really asking is, why cant we be caring males? and strong females? isn’t this our true nature?

I would really welcome comments and feedback on this.

Wolf 2015